The House of Jacob: Moses's Desperate Detour and Dilemma Discarded | ||||||
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"TheeArk": That Which Holds The Covenant of The Holy Name
Tetragrammaton Research of the Unspeakable.. Hush Hush, The Holy Grail
- THE ARK OF YHVH - ![]() ![]() In the years of Tetragrammaton research there was a discipline for delineation of the "Ark" of the "Holy Name". The "Ark" in this terminology, I designated as "TheeArk", "That which Holds The Holy Name of The One Almighty Lord", is not the same physical item in which The Torah is placed by The House of Jacob. It became clear from day one in the early Tetragrammaton research that The Holy Name was "placed" or "situated" within an encased encoding, and that encoding housed "doors" or "keys" to the "TheeArk". The Holy Name was held by lore to be a non-different subjective than the Lord Himself; and that the encoding placed it in a "Holy Covenant", a keyed existence so to speak. This is resultant of the clear necessity to serve the sanctity of The Holy Name and maintain it beyond objectionable objectives. This was also the view of The House of Jacob; they acknowledged that it was not first given to them, that it pre-existed to the Jews, and they were not the first the ones to whom The Holy Name YHVH was designated for service. They were always distant from the placement, mostly by their estrangement from the free Jews, and that being lay community stock, to them it was always shrouded with secrecy and taboo in the first place. The House of Jacob, as most of the non-Levitical laymen Jews of that time, were absolutely prohibited to even conceive of the "Ark of The Holy Name". Jacob was certainly not a High Priest, nor even a Levite; not to speak of the abject dishonesty and malicious nature of their House by Jacob's excommunicative beguilement of their father Isaac that removed Jacob, by The Holy Name, to be exiled outside the honorable Jewish community of the time. Further they intentionally distanced themselves from The Holy Name when they had sold themselves to the Devil in Hell being inveigled heathens seeking the comforts of ultimate Egyptian bondage and slavery. So in terms of pursing the "TheeArk" through The House of Jacob was blatantly seen to be the wrong path. This raises a basic logical perception utilised in modern physics. To determine the existence placement of an object in time/space it may be seen within something, outside something, or in relation to some other relative object in the similar time space. Only in the instance of a supreme Subject, such as The Lord, and His Holy Name, is there a possibility of something purely existing in the Absolute onto Itself. So in the instance of The House of Jacob, while the TheeArk was evidently not to be found within it, nurtured by it; it may be found on the outside "pressing up against" The House of Jacob. It was obvious that The House of Jacob has been a perpetual offence to The Holy Name, was cursed by it for its impositions, and was a wretched ruination of humanity by it's disfavor in the presence of The Holy Name. Thus our research started to look from where and how The Holy Name was interacting against The House of Jacob, in pursuance of the TheeArk being found there. It's like someone saying: "I know where Samju is. He is down the hill over there in the gang fight with Jacob.", and then disappears. We should be thankful that we have been directed, but we do not know how or where in that gang fight Samju is. Is Samju on Jacob's side fighting, or fighting against Jacob? And when we get to the face of Jacob, and someone else says: "Those are the marks of Samju"; we are left with the task of determining whether it is victory war-paint of his comrade, or the wounds of the enemy; and then we must take a very close look at who or what makes those marks so as to deduce who and where Samju is. When looking at The House of Jacob, we must be scientifically fair and unprejudiced as to their impiety and dastardly abominations, when considering whether they had The YHVH TheeArk or not. such that would allow for a possibility of valid ascension to The Holy Name through/by the House of Jacob, despite Jacob obviously being an abomination amongst Jews, having broken the most serious laws of succession in the multiple damnation episodes regarding Isaac's birthright and heritage entrustment to Esau. This also prompts us to consider whether the sons of Jacob were actually Jewish or not. Most persons believe that Jacob got his Father's Heritage rights to The Holy Name, and we have become very callous to the unspeakable impiety and unpardonable transgressions of Jacob in these regards. Many biblical scholars further that it was a "valid" transmittal because Isaac "did not try to take it back"; but what very few scholars understand was that by Isaac not overtly objecting "in himself", he was very elderly and offended, and thus he rendered the episode onto The Lord for His obvious Judgement and a curse as is action was blasphemous violation of the Seven Commandments of Noah. Generally a man of the Lord, hardly curses of his own accord, for he knows well that no divine curses originate with men; and furthermore there is that trust of Isaac that the "Lord do as He Will." The ancient Jewish Heritage Blessing of The Holy Name was of divine right, reader and family leader of the scriptures, authority over the family, and all prophetic power as pertains to the Sacramental Fire services onto The Holy Name. The Christian theologians add some rhetoric about the blessing having something to do with the progeneration of a Saviour, (see: Old Testament Commentary by Herbert Alleman, Muhlenberg Press, 1948; and The International Critical Commentary on Genesis by John Skinner, D.D.; Scribner's Sons, 1910). Our research in these regards as to the viability of The Holy Name's TheeArk being delineated through the House of Jacob, came up with a revolutionary perspective on the matter. It is new, and is not easily understood. For that reason we have put you through these abrasive previous paragraphs on the grinding wheel. I will try to summarise it in one paragraph, please re-read it several times. Here it is: |
The "Heritage Rights onto The Holy Name" are classically anointed onto the first born son, eldest son, or the eldest son-in-law of a Jewish family inviolate. Under no condition can it be withheld. It is of The Lord. Thus when by fraud Jacob seemed to take the "rights to The Holy Name" away from the succession onto Esau, he actually had constructed a "diverted trust" which in modern legal terminology is called a "Trust Ex Maleficio" (see: Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed., Henry C. Black, M.A., West Publishing Co., 1968, page 1685). In such a Trust, a constructive Trustee is one who by active thrust of his offence, being guilty of wrongdoing, fraudulent conspiracy, and the like, is held actively liable as constructive trustee to be servant of the intended original subject matter instructions of the Trust, and is to be prohibited any credit, or use of the constructed ex Maleficio corpus. To quote American Jurisprudence, Bancroft Whitney Co., 1968; see also St. Louis & Co. vs. Spiller, 274 U.S. 304, 309: "a constructive thrust, otherwise known as a trust ex maleficio ... is a trust... which arises, contrary to intention... against one who, by fraud.... or by any form of unconscionable conduct... either has obtained or holds the legal title to property which he ought not, in equity and good conscience, hold ....." Thus simply said, Jacob may have appeared to receive the Heritage Rights onto The Holy Name from Isaac, but in fact he was a fraudulently self-appointed "proxy" which in fact was a "trustee ex maleficio", such that the right by The Lord, as confirmed in the refined determination of civilised humanitarian law, was actually received by Esau, never taken, nor actually anointed onto Jacob. Said simply, the gold stolen from you by the unclean, never becomes unclean, and the very action of the theft, generates an equal and opposite thrust reaction of an ex maleficio trust. Our research encountered this, and we find it the primary answer to the matters raised under this purview, The Holy Name YHVH was in the ex maleficio trusteeship of Jacob all the time of his and Esau's life, but it then passed on through Esau. The Offences to the Holy Name were then in the constructive thrust outwards from Jacob's abominable descendants as reciprocal action to the blessings onto decent, merciful, and benevolent Esau continually throughout all these ages. We see that the thrust arising from all the absolute atrocities now known as the "actions" of The House of Jacob, in turn created the opposite and reciprocal thrust of the trust ex maleficio that manifested such a spinning "Ark" encasement of the Holy Name as to have thrusted it throughout all these millenniums in flux seeking to be settled and opened on the altars of the real rightful Jews onto The Holy Name's Covenant such as Esau. This in one light can make the antagonist Jacob, actually a constructive impetuses for good, because it could only have been by such an offensive blasphemous bugger as he, that such a theological mess as modern Judeo-Christianity could have ever arisen; and the thrust of The Holy Name's honorable ex maleficio trust reciprocally has maintained the TheeArk vehicle of the Covenant in its pristine condition for the due return to the world of the righteous offerings onto The Holy Fire of Sacred Consummation practitioners, those doing "Ju", the Jews, both of The Near & Middle East and Asia onto the World we are delineating here. |
Got it? Enough of all The House of Jacob's self-serving stories about how elder Prophet Elijah could invoke a fire over a watered altar as proof against the other Jewish follower of Baal, all the fanfare of how chosen they were wore thin, as we see their dispersion and destructive defilement throughout the ages. Even in the case of Elijah, murdering four hundred and fifty idolatrous priests did not lend to his sanctity as a prophet, nor the Lord's presence of revelation. The House of Jacob were a cursed people, as per witness of all their Prophets, even Moses repeatedly asserted how much they had sinned, and how sinful they continued to be. How could the TheeArk be found with them? It become ever increasingly clear, it was out of the question. The House of Jacob had a reciprocally opposite entrustment of absolute damnation. Despite The House of Jacob's self-serving stories about how elder Prophet Elijah could invoke a fire over a watered altar as proof against the other Jewish follower of Baal, all the fanfare of how chosen they were wore thin, as we see their dispersion and destructive defilement throughout the ages. Even in the case of Elijah, murdering four hundred and fifty idolatrous priests did not lend to his sanctity as a prophet, nor the Lord's presence of revelation. The House of Jacob were a cursed people, as per witness of all their Prophets, even Moses repeatedly asserted how much they had sinned, and how sinful they continued to be. How could the TheeArk be found with them? It become ever increasingly clear, it was out of the question. Now that in the dust, be as it may. Approaching any pre-Jacob instance of a Jewish Priesthood's service onto the Holy Fires of The Sacred Consummation which was predicated upon a science holding The Holy Name as The Absolute, became clearly the "Ark" or encoded placement where The Holy Name in a service covenant was to be found. I found the elaborate Yaju Science of The Holy Name to be that directly situated "Ark" most applicable and appropriate, and wherein by sanctified means the Science of The Holy Name YHVH was encased. I had written booklets detailing this process, they ended me up abducted, tortured and falsely incriminated in prison; despite them having an even shorter "self-life". Not that anyone really cared, but my father was still the chairman of the Council of Jewish Federations and one of the leading Reform Jewish Philanthropists in the world at that time. And besides the security concerns of that, he served on the Board of Directors of a major publishing and finance conglomerate in which he maintained literally an army of security personnel to make sure no one caused any waves, and such that all the corporate spying intrigues and mergers were secured as per his viewpoint and persuasion. I was abducted and held isolated, no one minded what was done over me; to him I was "Monk Smonk" in those days of my early studies and entry into monastic services of The YaJus in the latter 60's back and forth between India and the States. After some compromises to keep my mouth shut and not publish booklets, I was permitted to continue my research under abduction. I actually proved to the buggers that the authorised YaJu Science by which The Holy Name actually existed factually and substantially, and their High Priesthood was readily available by which The Holy Name could be invoked to serve; thus releasing us all from the bondage and taboo separation imposed upon us by The House of Jacob. My booklet, The House of Jacob's Holocaust in Canaan was not meant to be a negative message, nor to point blame, or show only abject atrocity of brother selling and brother slaughtering Jacobites. There was a constructive and healthy side to all this. The joy was and is, that there were and are real Jews, Holy and Decent; not The House of Jacob. Only minor adjustment is required to put us all back on track, for we have mostly evolved far beyond the gross holocausts of The Jacobites's return to Canaan, thus much of value will be given in all this, and little taken away. Now we are here with the TheeArk opened before us. We are standing in the radiance of the Holy Fire offerings onto The Flaming Altar of The Holy Name. All symbolics fall aside in the presence of The Absolute Substantive Subject. Let us try to listen, not speak, nor fumble to call The Holy Name. That is only for The Holy of Holies by The High Priest, and that maybe once a year. The Holy Name be Absolute, and of it is Its graceful mercy that in approach to it, we must be standing sanctified by the YaJu Holy Fire Altars of The Sacred Consummation. We are home. YHVH's Eminency of Devout Grace |