The House of Jacob: Moses's Desperate Detour and Dilemma Discarded | ||||||
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The Crippled Approach of a Damned Jew.
a Reaction to Reform House of Jacob Temple School
WELL, WELL ... A ZELL IN HELL This portion is abridged from the Introduction to Volume One in the research series of Thy Tetragrammaton TheeArk ("Thy Holy Encased Coded Covenant of The Holy Name YHVH"). The entire volume was the path preliminary platform of particulars required to approach the dimension of YHVH Tetragrammaton delineation yearned and instigated by supplication of thousands of eternal souls. It usually does not come to one so easily as in an electronic website on a platter. Ya gotta scrape to get out of Joseph's pit. This research I've compiled during 32 years of field work since my undergraduate days studying Anthropology and Religion at the "University of The Seven Seas", a global university division of Chapman College, Orange California. Chapman College in those days (1996) had a world study program onboard an ocean liner holding classes on a special semister basis while going around the world with a staff of renown leaders in their fields from several other lending universities, as well as it was an exotic attraction for the finest world-wide professors to come onboard to hold exchange classes with us at every port. We visited 17 major centers from Portugal to Japan being received as something of an international experiment in higher learning at all the universities in the countries we visited around the world. I did this study in conjunction with a mainland "Theologically Based" University's Department of Anthropology and Religion; that Seminary I'd rather spare being involved further in this controversial research. This has been a drawn out and painful ordeal, as even from the days of my youth, I found everything presented in the House of Jacob's Temple religious school programs to be deplorable. I attended American Reform Sunday School every weekend for the decade of my elementary and High School education. Something was wrong, very wrong, or something was missing, very missing. How was it possible for all these persons to sit around telling stories of absolute abomination, unfaithfulness, heathendom, harlotries, and all the totally unspeakable activities of butchery, incest, and blatant offences against humanity under auspices of being the glories of a "chosen people" by whom I was being abjectly insulted, not to speak of the absolute affront of being forced into thinking I was part of it. But through all the darkness of their social plight, there remaining that something flickering in that ever-present "eternal light", and the mystery of the unspeakable Lord, that Holy Name, He that was so "hush hush" amongst all their ludicrous lineage of Jacob. But what was that which was "Lost".. tribes was it? Or was it the "Lost" Secret of Secrets, The Holy Grail, the real basis of the Sacramental Covenant, that which we, in the House of Jacob, were prohibited to consider, nor could ever discuss for fear of "grown-ups" wrath. Personally my family were millionare philanthropist Jewish "pillars of the temple"; my father was the President of the Council of Jewish Federations, one of the builders of modern Israel, and hailing from "Hebraic Royalty". At all events we children were polished up to be polite, and to never ask questions, or even dare to "talk about religion". I attended Reform Jewish Sunday Schools from day one. Their main topic of Judaism was primarily about how The House of Jacob had suffered under Egyptian bondage, and was liberated by the hand of Moses, exiled in the desert, a great exodus to how they "claimed their inheritance" upon return to what they called their "homeland" in Canaan. This seemed to be inculcated into us, everyday and every year; at every service, every Friday night, and every Sunday; and at every holiday, and all this was fused with the persecution complex, and how we all have suffered injustice because of our being "the chosen people" of the unspeakable Lord, whose Name would cause stern looks and angry retorts anytime it was referenced, it was such an irritation to everyone. It was one of my "ribs" as a youth, that when in any argument with my parents, I would come out with something like: "Well, I'd be able to behave better, if old "what's his name" would just make things a bit easier!"; and would end up locked in the "bomb-shelter" for a week, writing the dictionary backwards. I recall my older brother being almost beaten to death by my father because he once said: "Alright Already!" in the middle of an altercation. God almighty was being a Jew interesting. It really was full of mystery, and danger; and everyone was geared for inheritance.. so no one dared to ask anything exploratory, or that would cause "the inheritance" to rumble. And did it ever rumble after all this. It's amazing how many Jacobites have killed each other over inheritance and control of the "family blessing". Even their almighty Jacob was a prime example of such virtues and rejoicingly divine leadership of follow; with a club. What was all this "Jewishness", all this "meaning of life"? To some extent the bare Theology of it made a lot of sense; One Absolute Lord, eternal soul, social ethics, mercy, lots of inconceivable forgiveness for their unspeakable atrocities, and all sorts of reasonable cultural credence. But lots of stories with little substance, and their intolerance against asking questions prompted a need for further research. So, at age ten, I decided that I would get to the bottom of the matter, and defeat their nullity. The sociological blessings of the Judeo-Christian cultural ethics in America are profound. My study and subsequent research was not ingressed in a negative manner; and all revelation aside, the uncovering of disturbing ancient theological truths need not totally disrupt those on the socio-stability platform. Just as knowing scientifically that certain existences of collapsed imploded stars into unstable "black holes" also exist and while affecting stability of the earth and infinite universes, they need not disturb our everyday equilibrium; in fact by the Order of The Lord, it is part of our daily harmony at that. Would it be so terrible, that upon delineating the origins of Judaism's secret Holy Name of The Lord, YHVH, held so secret and guarded by The House of Jacob, that its discovery would show the Israelites to be a fraud. What if in actuality the tribes of the House of Jacob were not authorised to any form of classically authentic priesthood, and were nothing more theologically valid than wild escaped Egyptianized barbarian slaves, who may have had previous roots in the Canaanite cultures under the High Priest Jews of the 2nd Millennium b.c.e. or by virtue of Moses's exposure to Ya-Jew Priests in the inner circle of the palace in Egypt. What if The House of Jacob were only a mutated band of bloodthirsty thieves and not a "holy people" under a valid priesthood? Never priests, not then, nor prior to their enslavement. Jacob was a verifiable unrighteous, dishonest, unethical, abomination outrageous nomad herdsman not a priest. Moses an Egyptian mutant, whom Egypt was glad to get rid of, lest he claim anything in Pharaoh's house. Moses was not a "Jewish" messiah; and the resultant "holy chosen people" made no effort to peacefully return to their purported "promised land or homeland", but instead returned as anti-Jewish perpetrators of holocaust, bigotry and blasphemy, not theological sanctity at the altars of the Holy Fires of the Sacred Consummation. This is not to say that the descendants of The House of Jacob are totally forbidden to ever attempt to return to original Judaism. Me, for example, I was one of the worst of the lot. I despised the entire idea of the damn thing to begin with. There is mercy and clarity amongst the original YaJu sciences, the priesthood, and just plain realistic existence. But for those totally inculcated into the House of Jacob Middle European uptight practices, ethnic chips, and all that baggage, the journey may not be so easy, but not too difficult either. Just as one in total darkness does not have much difficulty proceeding towards a light. Though this time their submission must be more sacramentally substantial. They carry so much burden of dispersion baggage and distortions of ethnic history. But it is not insurmountable, there are practically no ethnic symbolics whatsoever in the discipline of offerings onto the Holy Fire; in fact it's a rejoicing Barbecue reunion of everything, all the time anyway. The more the merrier, let the multitudes approach the outside altars of the Holy Fires, that their joy be resplendent onto The Lord. It's the best and only authorised Barbecue in town. Spicy as the hottest hearts, and the best of blessed wine abounds. The YaJu offering sciences are not utlized to put anyone down, our service is to raise all as a joyfully resplendent offering of unified awe and veneration in presence and thankfulness with respect to the infinite cosmological Order of The One Absolute Almighty Lord, far beyond any objective symbolics or divisive delineation. That's why even talking about it is counter-productive, almost sinful. There is nothing describable to talk about. All we can do, and should do is celebrate the Absolute, as Infinity abounds in His wonders. ![]() |