The House of Jacob: Moses's Desperate Detour and Dilemma Discarded | ||||||
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YHVH: Tetragrammaton Delineation to The YaJus
The Quest for The Holy Grail, No Eyes for Braille, Tortured in Jail
DELINEATION OR DAMNATION, TOO THICK TO PICK This portion of the background study primarily delineates the YaJu Holy Fire Offering Sciences through Persia and Pre-Abraham Canaan; which is sparsely documented and etymologically evasive; though there are certain firm correlations with the vastly documented high priesthood YaJu Jews as indicated in the Brahmi Script, and the vast battery of YaJur Sanskrit Literatures compiled after their nomadic passage from North Central Eastern Europe through the Afghanistan high mountain passes into Iran and the Indus River Valley at approximately 2,700 b.c.e.. From those evidences, and the Indus-Tigris trade route substantiation, firm verifiable instances of The YaJu sanctification sciences are seen throughout South Central Asia and the Middle to Near East. In fact world trade with Asia prior to 1,500 b.c.e can be now validly asserted as verifiable throughout the world. For example, there was an astounding find of South Central Asian ritual beads in Tomb Seven at Monte Alban in the Zapotec culture of Central America dating from approximately 700 b.c.e.; and several other inferences of man-directed introduction of species and other anthropological interactions. In pursuing YHVH Tetragrammaton research years ago from where the YaJus were discovered; our charge was to discover the "What" and the "From Where" as verifiable; not the "why" and "when". The primary axiom of Tetragrammaton research was derived upon delineation of the word "Jew", a formal concept of "Monotheism", and the priesthood practices of offerings onto "The Holy Fire Altars of The Sacred Consummation". The delineation of these elements were ultimately found to be patently and indisputably of pre-Indus YaJu origination and authority. The Yajus were the original priesthood of the Holy Fire of The Sacred Consummation, whose scriptural hymns were strictly verbal and prohibited to be written. The Hymns and Priesthood practices of the Holy Fire came later to be referred to by the Indus Valley delineation as what call: "The Lost YaJus Veda". It is upon that authority that the Indus formulated and extracted by "hear-say" what they later compiled to be known as "The Rig Veda" in approximately 1,100 b.c.e.. Then further there was an internal Hymnal of the Rig Veda called the Sama Veda which consists of direct verses from the Rig, except for seventy-five or so "padding" elements for song, and transposition of meter. Then 300 years later, the Sacrosanct Hymnal of the YaJur School appeared to be compiled and released. The Sacrosanct Hymnal of The YaJu School, is known in Sanskrit as the "Sukla YaJur Veda"; which means essentially: "Pure Knowledge Science of The YaJu Priesthood Offerings onto The Holy Fire of The Sacred Consummation." Sukla is an adjective meaning: "pure, holy, white, perfect, radiant, sacramentally consecrated as sanctified", though we find that the term "Sacrosanct" is best in pursuance of the true meaning of Sukla. Ju is a verb meaning: "To Offer onto The Holy Fire of the Sacred Consummation"; Ya is a pronoun meaning: "He who, Those who, One who" (together YaJu is a noun); and Veda is a noun meaning: "rational cosmic knowledge, intelligent science". Not to confuse the issue, but there is another primary hymnal of The YaJu School referred to in Sanskrit as the Krishna YaJur Veda. The word Krishna is a most negative term. Krishna means: "defiled, impure, tainted by ignorance". In this regard, we must keep in mind that all these things had not been written down for centuries, even millenniums, for a reason. That reason was to protect it and hold it away from the unconsecrated laymen. It was only after assimilation with the Indu peoples that any of these things were being dragged into written form; so it may be seen as an effort to protect the substance of the Krishna YaJur Veda, by calling it Krishna; because then the public would stay away from it like the plague. To British inquiry the formal line of the YaJus was that it was termed "krishna" because it was not in the "pure form of an offering hymn onto the Holy Fire", and that it was mixed with "other questionable things"; yes it was those other things... in fact they were the instructions of the offerings, procedures and prerequisites, many in coded forms so as to obviously be wrong or self-cursing; and the public stayed away. We the YaJu Priesthood are not willing to call it anything publicly. It does exist, and is contained within the Oxford Oriental Series of the later 1800's into English. It is called the "Black YaJur Veda", in contrast to what the British called the "White YaJur Veda". Essentially these three scriptures, The Rig, The White YaJur, and the Black YaJur Veda comprise the basic verifiable Hymns of The YaJus. For public reference, The YaJu High Priesthood only agrees to utilise the Sacrosanct Hymn of The YaJus, the Sukla YaJur, for the portions of the service that are now being universally adapted for the public by the authority of The Judan. Quite clearly our research discovered that The YaJus were found holding the eternal patent on " Ju " (ju) which means "to offer onto the Holy Fire of The Sacred Consummation" in Sanskrit; and the patent was firmly registered with reality since 5,000 b.c.e.. Thus in terms of humanity's linguistic and lingual manifestation "Ju", and practices of "sanctification of Holy Fire Offerings lifting up into purified eternal energy vapor to the One Almighty Lord"; we found these two basic ingredients to be firmly and absolutely of YaJu origination prior to, though evident in the YaJur assimilation with the peoples of The Indus River Valley Civilisations and from the northern tundra of central Asia, as well as their westward migrations into Persia and The Near East. Formal study of the delineation explores facts that have evaded us, regarding the established manner by which the Persian/Indus Jews applied their sanctification sciences of The Holy Name. They were advanced in herbal pharmacology, sterilisation by fire and alcohol, anti-bacterial applications, antibiotic medicine and even complex surgery. They were The Ya-Jew priesthood servants of the Holy Fire Altar of The Sacred Consummation, highly esteemed and sought by most of the rulers in the ancient world. They were one of the secrets of secrets themselves. It was inherent in their vows that their presence and science was to be guarded and withheld from the general cultures to which they had been called to render their mercy. This accounts for their language, and science only being partially referred to, though held forefront, in the history and sciences of many serviced cultures. Who were those secret fire wizards of the King? Those medical magicians, miracle working robed mysteries in the back hidden chambers of the courts of Persia? Research shows evidences of these secret YaJu Priests, both in Canaan, Hyksos Egypt and several other instances in history. It has been 25 years now since I knew these things must be released and publications would have to be compiled. I continued the research in terror, putting off compilation, as many have done with such sorts of sensitive information. I've been afraid to release it because of threats by members of The Council of American Jewish Federations, and other organisations of The House of Jacob. Also the research is met with outrage from the Modern Idolatrous Hindus who claim less of delineation than the Holy Fires of The Jews. But the modern Hindus are extremely twisted as regards to the YaJur offering sciences. At crucial times in this research I have been violently obstructed and subjected to depersonalisation, misinformation, abducted, falsely incriminated, and held in solitary confinement without communication for as long as two years at one time overseas. Persons have literally tried to murder me. This is a most delicate issue, much more volatile than "The Satanic Verses" by Salmon Rushdie that put a multi-million dollar price on his head to be assassinated. And while the Hindus will polish poisons on spears dancing with their tribal totems, and the European "Top-Hats" will volute volumes from the House of Jacob historicals; the saving grace of the YaJur offering science is lost in the middle. But with regards to modern Judaism, it is only common sense to view their entire story with horror, from the selling of their brother Joseph into slavery, up to the spies seeking out to destroy Canaan upon their return; they were an abomination and the holocaust that murdered the real Jews, whom they had the audacity to claim as their brothers. Such is their abomination onto their dead fires, supermarket plastic packages of bloody butchery, and impositions onto The Holy Name YHVH. It is troublesome sometimes to tell the truth, and it certainly was troublesome to discover it; though that does not preclude one's responsibility to render the research. I have weighed this seriously, and despite all odds, I am daring to put this spectrum forward. In 1982 after being released from solitary imprisonment and torture in Asia, I was brought back to The United States weighing 137 pounds and my beard down to my knees. After months of struggling to speak any of this; I consulted legal counsel to file the "root" decoding delineation discovery of The Tetragrammaton with the United States Library of Congress, by the copyright process, as it was determined that actually no one cared about it, and I felt that trademarking the delineation was repugnant to the dimension of it. But it is there, and I'm back here in Asia, in more trouble than ever. YHVH's Eminency of Devout Grace |