If there be anything HOLY about The House of Jacob "JEWS", it is most certainly not our historical epics of barbaric evolution, scorched-earth atrocities against humanity as Jericho and Ai with befriended prostitutes, nor our most holy royal edicts as were employed by King David over the faithful in the liberation of Bathsheba, nor least of all any of the other gross abominations we inflicted, and in turn reciprocally suffered through the ages; but rather the Exodus to return to an essence of purely inconceivable absolute Monotheism centered around communal Tabernacles of Sanctified Offerings onto perpetual Holy Fires of the Sacred Consummation, the sanctity for our wicked hearts and lecherous hearths. It is this history of wandering "back" to transcendent monotheistic fire-centric altar offering, that takes us Jews on a journey beyond the defilement of our wretched persons and pernicious pedigree. It is that history essentially, which we should endeavor to perpetually celebrate. For our anthropology fails us beyond belief.
What is the meaning of all we stand for, all we strive to serve; and can we now once and for all cast aside theologically meaningless millenniums of misery, blood-bath madness, and all the chips heaped upon our headless and heedless shoulders? Are we to be forever lost in the rubble of rummaged recoveries of sentimentalities, persecution, and abject social ordination? Or can we now again proceed forward celebrating the dignity of our original theological ordination? The resolution is what we pursue here.
What is an original Jew? What does one do? What was a Jew and who were you, prior to the dastardly dishonest and fallen brother-defiling lay-shepherds of Jacob?
Casting aside the genealogical escapades and numeric jugglery of historical prejudices, what do we as the word "Ju" actually mean, where does it come from, what does it do, and to what purpose? This is what we must come to know.
We have substantially and verifiably found the answer to that first question of our research; "What does 'Jew' mean, and what is its original context"?
The answer being:... the wording sounded "Ju" is first etymologically found in the oldest alphabetic script known to man. That script is referred to as "Brahmi".. and is the origin of the Persian as well as the Devanagri (Sanskrit) languages. In the Brahmi Language which first appeared as an established script of at least 1,200 years development at the time it conservatively is documented in Iran and The Indus River Valley around 2,700 b.c.e after coming down through Iran from the tundra of China and far eastern Europe. In Brahmi the word "Ju" is a primary root-word meaning: "To Offer onto The Holy Fire of The Sacred Consummation".
This verifiable ancient precedence of the word "Ju" in its original context certainly is directly substantial to the purport and practices of ancient Judaism and Levitical liturgical structure. Thus the Brahmi & Sanskrit word "Ju" is perdurably pertinent, and even an alarming "Irony of I told you so!" to most sociological manipulators' and scholarly squabblers who find it somewhat a perturbation. Though none can deny that such a root meaning for the word "Ju" is directly to the point of the matter in meaning, context, principle, practice and in every way primordially accurate.
This word "Ju" was not a side issue delineated with those folks, they also called themselves "Jews" and the word was firmly held it as one of their "primary words" of existence. Since the root word "Ju" is a verb, meaning "to offer onto the Holy Fire of the Sacred Consummation", the form of their name they used to call themselves "Jews", or those who "Ju", was "YaJu (singular) or Yajus (plural)", meaning "Those who maintain and perpetually offer sacramental oblations and offerings onto the Holy Fire of the Sacred Consummation." This was the simple noun root form. The "Ya" is a pronoun meaning "He who, or those who, or He that, etc."
We will now leave you with this introduction to The YaJus. One should read the foregoing several times, and seriously consider the questions that such an answer raises.
The delineation of these discoveries is directly an element of The Holy of Holies and contains the Ark decipherment delineation of YHVH, the Holy Name, and we will not lay it open to lay speculation nor stampede.
Thus at this point we are only open for questions. If you are genuinely interested in these discoveries, then kindly email us.
That The Lord be merciful by His Grace, and shed countenance of radiant sacramental service and sanctity upon you.

Holy Holy, Holy is The Lord Orderer Energetic Absolute; Infinity Stands Witness to His Wonders !!!
