Scriptural Works and Offering Science Celebrations of The YaJus | ||||||
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Does Any One Have The Quick to Amass All This?
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It is a "ONE TWO THREE" Step process.
![]() ![]() INTRODUCTION Tripped by Priests or Prostitutes The simple common sense of there irrefutably being One Supreme Energetic Orderer Absolute always seems so clear to anyone who has realized it, even for a passing moment; though when reduced to objective symbolics it has become simply the most absolutely complicated Subject. Classically the YaJu Priesthood's only job was to maintain the sanctified offerings onto The Eternal Holy Fire of The Sacred Consummation, and the Sacraments thereto and thereby. Teaching the community existential sciences of perception was never contained in the vows, nor in fact were the priesthood practitioners ever to associate with any lay public whatsoever, nor propose to even care about them. They were servants of The One, not servants of the multitude masses of miserable lay monsters who had not dedicated themselves whole heartedly in the priesthood service of The Lord; the YaJu Order is not celibate in the 2nd and 3rd Orders after the 1st Order of Monastic Student; and the 4th Order is a wide scope of service, some of which with family, and some other recluses do not associate with family, or even people for that matter, and are celibate. The recluse 4th Order is only permissible when the Holy Fires are being perfectly maintained, otherwise their service is with the fires, which involves their priesthood family, and thus there has not been an authorised 4th Order Recluse (Hamsa or ParamaHamsa) in modern history. The YaJu Priesthood was an integral devotional service unit, there was absolutely no discussion nor interaction with the outside indigenous lay communities. This was logical to them at the time because originally amongst the YaJus there was not "class structure", nor a secular lay community whatsoever, they were simply all YaJus who were consecrated into communal priesthood service obligations, even prior to birth. Anyone who was not a YaJu simply was not on the list of services prescribed for a YaJu practitioner. It was sort of like Jesus of Nazareth's instruction to his Apostles to: "Go Nowhere Amongst The Gentiles, but Only To The Lost Sheep of The House of Jacob."; not that anyone ever followed that instruction either; the YaJus got into a similar mess by selling themselves, practically prostituting themselves, to stimulate, and indulge the spiritual sense enjoyment of the public. Selling their philosophies as potations to pacify the fears of life and death to the confused temporarily minded pestilence of the outside populations. It was primarily such Harlotry of The YaJus that got us into trouble, and diverted us almost fatally from the prescribed path, as it befell the Canaanite Jews also. As result of the Priesthood's falling down to the level of providing prostituted practitioners to the lay public, there evolved the sanctimonious sweet-talking foolery that the world now has grown to despise and distrust of the priesthood. All the sweet "Holier than Thou", goodie-goodie hypocrites who employ sensual appeasement for false comfort of blasphemers, in lieu of their original sacramental services have reduced Theology to a popularity contest of prostitutes in the street. Not that we should look upon their forms of prostitution in bad faith, it removed such prostitutes from the altars which they otherwise would have defiled, and bound them to a sort of "congregation" that ultimately became "protestors" against the priesthood wherefore they were all de-flowered or de-frocked as you will. No loss except onto the perpetuation of The Holy Fire Sacraments, and then at that, total disaster. Reality of these things be as it may, it came resultingly into being by custom and usage that the priesthood was looken upon to help the "evolving" congregation unify and consolidate clarity of the devotional science precepts. Therefore nowadays, it is accepted as an obligation not only to preserve the Sacraments but to help the lay community advance beyond separatist peculiarities and partialities. There are tens of millions of Canaanite Jews, hundreds of millions of concerned Judeo-Christian bastions of the Crusades, and 900 million `Hindus' who claim to be of YaJu delineation, all of whom want to integrate the advanced Sacramental Holy Fire Offerings of Zechariah, and other delineations of The YaJus's precepts and practices they feel deeply in embedded their hearts. The World Congregations of every form of evolved Theology needs clarity and assurance to transcend all the "stories" and divisive regional distortions of one form or another in order to re-center the eternal energy existential sciences of the soul, its sacraments, and the scientific rational basis of their respectful positions and philosophy. Many say that whatever of the human mind isn't based upon quasar deuterium, is simply delirium; others are attracted only by bright tissue paper wrappings, not caring whether the box is empty or not. We similarly denote that the symbols of the regional epics and "Puranic" stories may presently remain misleading, intertwining confusions and prejudices that go nowhere; while unfortunately to the same extent the pure YaJur Offering Science stands similarly inaccessible, primordially beyond any discourses of objective symbolisation, as per its very definition, precept and practice. The revelation from The YaJur Svetasvatara, presenting The YaJus' "Proof of God" in its first three verse easy steps, "Here to Infinity, One, Two, Three !" is a monumental work. While it may appear seemingly simple, the formula pursues and resolves in absolute gravity of the Subject; an abridged path, condensed to singularity; with thousands of reference injunctions imploded to essence import substantiating the existence of YHVH. In order to approach this densest of lessons, we need to lighten up a bit; and put aside all our prejudices and "pre-conceptions", face up to the task at hand, plunge through its depths, and submit our minds in hopes of surfacing well situated. The reference section to this "ONE TWO THREE" would be another of 600 page technical priesthood profusion. Simplicity is sought in this one; everyone wants simple answers, saying: "Don't preach theory, axiom, and lofty logarithms, just give me the answer." Oh, that it be so simple, where? Where is there a "ONE TWO THREE" so simply trodden? For thousands of years perplexity has confused the clarity of YaJur Sacramental Science; so much, so few masters, and so elaborate a corpus that none could withstand the discipline. Whence for and whereby arose the "public playground epics, geneological histories, ethnic ignorances and polutions of Indu Puranas." But why give up to bouncing tits in one lila play or another? The comparatively pornographic pollutions of Puranic postulations only cloud the issue with shadings of illegitimate procreation. The modern ethnic extremist Indus say: "Oh we've got the easy answer to anything", "It's a flim-flam clearly obscured whole thingy.!! Came down as a humanized dinghy." I say: "For most it's all so easy, as ignorance founts fountains." Answers? Who has any questions? Unfortunately the only ones asking serious existential questions nowadays are the scientific community, or those stricken with insecurity on their death beds. They must have need of some "formula." Cry your hearts out, o'sons of the priesthood; the congregations are gone. With billions of Judeo-Christians and Hindus of Sacramental Holy Fire delineation around the world, not even 1% completes 20% of their prescribed Sacraments; and those only "symbolically" by passing through overt necessity such as marriage being a sacrament whether they care that it is nor not; and crematoriums are so much easier disposals anyway, despite not having a "Nitya-Homa" (pratistha) Fire Altar for centuries. What was that heated 3� degree background radiation of the macrocosm? Historical Universe? Didn't mean much to anyone when it was proven, and it probably does not mean much to us reading it here either. Cobalt to hemoglobin, crap to critters, or just plain incredible encrustations of "gopis" meaning the secret of infinity culminating to "Radha"; not that such is not seeking the best way. But despite manners sought, we must come to accept the magnitude of the questions prerequisite for a proper student of YaJur Science. No stories here guys; just long hair Einstein stuff; Time, Light, Space, Purpose, Existentials, and something about eternal energy doing something. Dr. Albert Einstein was once asked to sum up total energy science in the shortest possible sentence; and he replied: "Something's Moving!" This treatise is our shortest most concise reply to the same question. May it be a quick journey. So let's move up to the lesson at hand; join hands, heed your heels, sit up, lighten your load and blast off. ![]() WHAT IS THE CAUSE ? Order or chaos? Only if there is "ordered order" is there "causality." Deductive logic is that if there is an "ordered order" then it must be following an "order" as "ordered" by an "Orderer." This is really quite comforting. We shouldn't just roam around aimlessly, without inherent purpose. Most scientists agree on this issue that it basically descends deductively to whether there is "Order" or "Chaos". Any "order" voids absolute chaos. We've got things like "equal and opposite reactions"; and lots of rhetoric time/space. And: "The Law of Conservation of Energy" - "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another." This means there is order to atomic structural potentiality. We see model molecules in 4th standard science class; heh this stuff is stuck together with something; wonder what causes that? And you can't destroy it..'cause hey cause why, could it be that everything is needed to fulfill expansive infinity's infinite reality? Maybe, or may it be?- WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE ABSOLUTE: "Purpose" implies aimed intent predicated by deliberation. Deliberation prerequisites a deliberate Personal Entity having Personality. Veda Science terminology accepts infinite "Holy Name" potencies from the Personality of "The Absolute Energetic", being innumerably infinite as the Subject Itself: being inexhaustible, self-sufficient, undying primordial source energetic Orderer Who Infinitely Empowers Order. Is there such an "entity or phenomena"? Big question! Also answered: "ONE �TWO�THREE">>: 1) Yes there is; 2) No, you are not it, thus, nor is it discoursed objectively; and 3) Yes, That "so willing" is the personally answered question. The purpose is The Infinitizing Lord, not defined in finite discourse. ![]() WHENCE, WHEREFROM and WHERETO; These are real questions. The answer is given clearly in STEP TWO, or what if I simply said: "Don't give it another thought, don't try to figure it out, nor add it up, just accept it as it is!". Self-defeatist? Not actually; as most are not able to focus attention anyway. Then what are actualities? STEP TWO gives the elemental basis for resolving objectionable inabilities inherent in our approach to the absolute. The answer being that the absolute is Subject Only To Itself, Pure Subjectivity, The Supreme One Original Source Energetic Entity to Whom Infinity Offers, to whom infinity seeks substance as objects themselves onto the Supreme One Single Empowering Energetic Subject. We are seemingly lost in duality because duality is our original position, and not wrong. We being energy time/space are by definition separate from the absolute energetic. The electric current in the wire is different from the potentiality within a battery generating the current; seeing the current in the wire shows symptoms of the source, and actual characteristics, but they are two distinct phenomena. The individual convoked energy cognition is an object of the supreme subjective energetic, and as such we are not only a product of a duality, energetic onto energy, but are refracting throughout time/space being multi-quasi delineated composite omni-continuums, wherein there are various formulated variables. Duality is real, not an illusion, nor unreal; just as there must always be a separate infinitely inexhaustible Energetic that is fueling the infinite energy service matrix, because infinity requires to be "fed" infinitely inexhaustible expansive empowerment not included in the instant infinity. Infinity, by definition, is always Infinitely more and more Infinitely Infinite. Thus Absolute One source multiplicity is never void; but positions within it can change. Remember: "energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another." So we can change? What a relief. The instant change is in the direction of a "point of view." It is really very simple. We are objectionable objects; and there is One Supreme Absolute Subject. We say Sriman Brahman. Thus in order to lessen our objectionable separateness, we are graced to retain instinctive remembrance of the Absolute with potentiality to rejoicingly celebrate the Subject Existential Energetic giving up our objectionable objectivity in favor of acquiescing to acclaim service onto the Absolute Subject Energetic's Willing Empowerment, known in the original Sanskrit Injunctions of Veda Science being "Pratistha." Thus first we must acquiesce that never time, nor inherent nature, law, chance, procreation, intelligent cognizance, nor any combination nor delineation thereof can ever ultimately be deduced to satisfy the essential prerequisites of Being Infinite Absolute for purposes of anything, least to deduce the Supreme Energetic Absolute itself. This is because these methods are based upon transitory temporal sensory nature, and evidence of their commonly denominated eternal base energy pre-exists potentiality of conditioned manifestations which are so impartibly linked to the source energetic, inexhaustible, undying and primordial. Even the eternal energized active soul impregnated order of infinity is also subject to the completely transcendent separate Source Energetic Orderer whose Absolute Will orders infinity's order. This Orderer Being the Omni-Inexhaustible Energetic cause of all causes, Subject Consummate, absolute maximal non-object. Thus there is no way to define unequivocal subjectivity by temporally postulated objectivity; just as there is no way in this time/space to make gold out of absolute vacuity. Simply put, the "knowing" of the "knowledge" process does not rest with us. We are not the "Knower", we can only at best be "the thing absolutely known" if such knowledge be properly situated in the designated view of the Absolute Knower of the infinite field. Just as the engineer looks across an extended field to fix on a flag for his sextant; we must be holding the right "flags" in order to be accounted as being properly in view. We can never be the "knower" of the "knowledge" but we may become activated by "pratistha" within the personal knowledge of the Supreme One Subjective Knower. Better to be a horse hitched on that bandwagon, than be a direct driver of any imperfect team of temporal senses. To this extent we can be "in Knowledge" of The Absolute. But being thus "empty minded" does not justify being idle. Again: "Something's Moving." So what are we to do in order to be "personally in direct knowledge" of the Absolute? Well brothers, Veda Science has the patent on it. Become a priest. Though to the other scientific sorts, best to support your local priesthood, and engage in empathetic ecology. This is a very condensed course, and no doubt a few vapor brains will find it too dense a proposition, but thousands upon thousands of references have been omitted thus far; and in service of brevity all that should be said presently is: "Look Up in Awe, Look Around to Rejoice", and make sure that whomever one considers is emersed in reverent service onto The Absolute be forefront in mind and action to sanctify all endeavors; as it is best to be oneself always. We say hear, glorify and remember the Supreme Absolute Energetic Orderer Always and Everywhere, that He be pleased to keep us in view; being thus we are in absolute knowledge absolutely, pure and simple. ![]() WHAT IS THE BASIS SUPPORT OF INFINITY: Foundation of Absolute Infinity? Similes such as it "rests on the head of a pin.".. are a bit pin-headed at this point in cosmic physics, and it's high time singularity singles out the density of Veda Science Energetics. It has something to do with a thing that looks like "cone-heads" from France. The great time/space scientist Albert Einstein proved in his axiom of relativity, real as the atomic bomb, that the density and positioned foundation of matter is directly correlated to the speed at which it is traveling or seen. Simply meaning that the faster an object moves approaching the speed of light, the greater its mass and centralized position until it attains infinite mass being the infinite foundation absolute. This is because of an energy law sub-set of the Law of Relativity known as "Singularity." So even lay energy scientists found direct evidence of the One Supreme Unequivocal Foundation of The Singular Absolute Energetic's Eternal Infinite Order. We say: AUM TAT SAT, and, "The matter amassed to be reflected on, Einstein says: "SINGULARITY" The mass m of an object moving at a velocity v relative to an observer is: m = m0 times the square root of (l- v2/c2); m being the resultant mass, c the speed of light, m0 the mass of the object when at relative rest, v the relative velocity, and l being the space continuum. This shows where/when a "Foundation or Position" of Infinity Exists. The other element E = mc2 of the theory holds any object has an Infinite Energy content by virtue of its mass at any infinitely expansive moment of time; this also inversely holds M = e/c2 where Infinite Mass also occurs in timelessness; in all instances the energy has correlating inertia. This time/space continuum correlates on time in terms of light speed, and space in terms of matter, and means that essentially everything is potential infinity, even sub-atomic particles, and anti-matter particles, if accelerated up in space M, or refracted down in time onto their potential set Energy being E infinity. Thus here we have two routes of the infinite positioning for a purely infinite M or E singularity. Such is the absolute spectrum from anti-matter onto situaÈte infinity: This is useful in deriving where infinity's foundation "is", or "what" the foundation is, because one must know where the greatest quantity is located in order to determine "where" something is situated. One must always have substance to substantiate any theory, and especially substantial in terms of the absolute substance, Infinity; thus singularity. For instance if you see only a person's finger, and want to know where they are sitting, your data is insufficient. One needs to weigh more of what the total thing is that is being positioned. So we have to seek the greatest concentration of substance in order to determine it's actual base position; for simply the finger would not indicate "sitting" at all. Accordingly "singularity" is a model to determine where infinity is situated, then to further surmise as to what basis applies. To progress onto the infinite foundation of the Absolute by means of cosmic energy science, the instant energy must be undifferentiated to absolute common denomination. Thus by definition we must not attempt to arrive at that axiom by differentiation. We can not differentiate it because it is proven that the supreme infinitive case of pure energy is "one thing" singularly, totally undifferentiated, absolute, indescribable infinitesimally micro-infinite macro-infinity mass. The key to deducing "a foundation" to infinite singularity is that whatever it rests upon can not be energy, because all energy is being taken on into singularity, and is included within the "infinity-set", nor can it be absolute vacuity of anti-matter because anti-matter is also singularized into singularity; but THE FOUNDATION can only be the source energetic itself. The reason being that by definition a "singularizing singularity" takes on infinite energy and all delineations thereof, mass, time, space, etc., and itself not only increasing in density, but also diminishing in size as it also condenses itself. The ratio and capability of a "singularity" is infinite; it takes on infinite mass infinitely, as well as absolutely densifing or concentrating itself shrinking into its infinite density also; such that ultimately absolute infinity exists as one ý so absolutely small, and so absolutely dense that it is absolute "Singular." How "densely" resolute it gets ! Now, the solution. The only logical resolutely deducible "second other" can only be the infinitely inexhaustible potent Source Energetic, that can give energy at an infinitely inexhaustible rate to the singularity, and by which the singularity is so "empowered" to be infinite, otherwise upon termination or failure of infinity to be infinitely more infinite infinitely, all energy would implode under its singularizing momentum. So the foundation is either: 1) the Ordered Infinite Source Energetic empowering infinite energy to absolute singularity; or 2) if there was an end to infinity, or if infinity did not exist, or could not infinitely be infinite then there would be only chaos of an almost infinite implosion fragmenting from a collapsed quasi-singularity. That is to say it being either: 1) The Orderer of the Orderly Infinite Energetic Order, or 2) Random chaotic implosion of a finite unsatisfied singularity. One or the other is the answer. The 4th standard class chemistry students and the vast academic school of scientists prove and accept cosmic order holding basic ordination, structured infinite order from the basic chemistry experiment onto micro-macro cosmic-physics. Energy scientists accept a source energetic which infinitely empowers singularity as "That" fulfilling all logical prerequisites to be the absolute "foundation of infinity." This source energetic is impartibly linked situate pratistha (installation), as well as its ordering substantiation and inherent inexhaustible energizer that wills, so designs, positions and empowers infinity; and without which infinity could not exist nor perpetually be infinitely satisfied, given that Infinity can only exist if it is infinitely empowered (pratistha), because infinity is expansive. Infinity by definition is not a finite quantity nor phenomenon; infinity is infinitely more infinite at every eternally infinite moment. Thus this empowerment that is empowering the singularity, can not be "energy" but must be solely the pure absolute "energetic" source Orderer. This "separate source energetic to singularity" is logically deduced by all energy scientists as the Primordial Empowerer, "God", being absolute energetic ordination, its cause, substance, pratistha, foundation, and inexhaustible empowering entity; being a one closed system. ![]() That's all folks..... To prejudiced preconceived ignorance everything is already so well known; and to Singularity, enough is never enough. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Click For Original Sanskrit Text |