Frequently Asked Questions Regarding YaJur Devotional Service | ||||||
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"JEW" - Religion or Race? ![]() "What is a Jew?" Is a Jew a born member of a race, or a confirmed sacramental follower of a Religion or something else? Does "Jew" denote Religion or Race?" - APPROACHING THE ANSWER - Of record, there are obviously many points of view on this question as to whether a Jew is a racial or theological term, each purporting weight and precedence. My experiential and consecrated authority is of some consequence, though to the lay public it be as it may. I only carry responsibility onto The Lord, for Whom my responsible outline answer is given in conclusion. First I care to place in record some of my experiential credentials for the determination: |
- AUTHORITY TO ANSWER - When answering this, it is required for the respondent to qualify by what experience or authority one bases one's capacities for a factual determination. In my personal case, besides now being qualified and ordained by four progressive consecrations onto YaJu High Priesthood 4th Order Adikari Judan service of The Lord; many years ago in my youth I was raised in a comfortable social situation of social Reform Judaism until formally accepting to ascend first studies on the priesthood path of The Holy Fires onto The Lost Holy Name of YHVH at age 16 in 1965-66. One of the main precepts that was consistent in the Reform Synagogue Religious Schools I attended throughout my childhood, was primarily a socially defensive sounding "Being a Jewish is a Religion, not being a member of a Semitic Race, or any racist connotation whatsoever." The entire tone of that seemed to me as a reply to the anti-Semitic prejudices which seemed to always cloud the issue, and put everyone on the defensive. Then amongst the other contradictions of modern reform Judaism, there were many times that we were harped upon as being a "chosen people" and all sorts of sundry "homeland", racial inheritance garbage. So personally I was very subjected to this issue, and it remains today one of the most important precepts of what is a "Jew". The racial judgement held by the varied masses is the primary fuel for their prejudice; I agree and had been subjected to my share of "dirty Jew", "damn Jew", "fucken kite", "black Jewish bastard", and "motza face" confrontations, as well as being attacked in "racial violence" a few times in the United States. But that was not but a speck, the least of it in all regards. I transgressed one the toughest most prejudicial paths of modern history; the ascent from the reform House of Jacob Religious School onto the classical YaJu High Priesthood Temple Institutions of Asia. They are millions of times more prejudice in the matter of being "Jewish" than anything known on earth. The authorised delineations of the YaJus in Asia, are a non-idolatrous sect of The Vedic High Priesthood. They are adamantly and dangerously prejudiced against non-YaJus, and especially foreigners. In Asia the racial prejudice is very much intertwined with nationality; and sine they infuse it with their idea of "nationalism" they are adamantly self-justified in themselves, and take their prejudices to farther extents than simply beating you up, and kicking you out of town. Most of the persons around those High Priesthood Practitioners are idolaters, extremely dishonest, trickster sorts who one should have never hoped to meet. They are not the simple "stay away dog", "porcupine types", they are into "spider and the fly, slippery snake" tactics with all outsiders who they claim rights to hold as "victims" by any means to support themselves. Those persons are essentially thieves, extortioners, and opportunist troublemakers that would literally hypnotise you to pull their wagon, then murder you for your shoes when you falter or awaken. Going through 32 years of the path onto delineation of the Lost Name of The Jews took me through the pits of prejudice, torture, ridicule, and all the fundamental criteria of JEW; where at every step racial prejudice, and racial delineation were held to be the primary experiencial element of being Jewish. As it was these many years; I was in the middle of it, getting hell and high water curses from both sides, racial and theological. Both from the House of Jacob, and the House of Baal YaJus of Asia. So I can honestly affirm, that my study of the battery, and my personal experience in these matters absolutely qualify my authorised opinion on this matter of Race or Religion. In this, one must keep in perspective, that this "dittam" is being given in the year 2,000 c.e. by one who is consecrated to establish a Re-Unified World Order of JEW onto The Holy Fire of The Sacred Consummation. The other classical authorities in my same line at other times held different views per thier different presiding dittam authorities and chronologies. ![]() THE ORDERED DESCISION OF THE JUDAN Everyone resolute enough can become sacramentally sanctified and qualified to serve The Holy Name and Holy Fires of JEW. YHVH's Eminency of Devout Grace |